Sunday, July 12, 2009

my last holiday weekend

helloooo bloggie, yesterday, i went to itc kuningan ambasador with my friend, dinda, with trans bsd. i'm looking for skirt buuuuuuut there wasn't any skirt i like so i just bought opaque and a few of accessories. at night, i went to senayan city with my family for eating at takigawa, japanese food, and i found a pair cute flat shoes then i bought it. todaaaaaaay, i came to daughter's my father's friend wedding. do you get it? (jadi tuh anak temen bokap gue nikah) and do you know what? i'm really love eyeliner. haha. after that i went to mayestik.
aaaah susah banget pake bahasa inggris. hahaha dasar gue udik. jadi yah tadi tuh pas di mayestik gue kan pake kebaya modern gitu sama legging, yaaaa wajar aja abis kondangan, and i didn't bring any t-shirt. jadi yaaa gue pake baju kayak gitu dengan alas kaki sepasang sendal hotel. aduh malu sih tadi tapi yasuuuud laaaaaah gak ada yang kenal gue ini. i'm looking for black tile dan tadi pas lewat situ yaudah deh mampir. FYI, i want to make something with my hands. do you want to know? just stay tunned here..

these are few accessories which i bought in ITC kuningan.
goodbye, xoxo clara :p


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